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The Book of Change
Tuesday, 28 March 2023
Changed @ 08:10 - Link - comments
I finally found the last sheet that had slipped out of the journal. Thought it best to rewrite it here before I lost it again!

Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Changed @ 16:35
It's been a busy half-cycle! Only now do I have a few moments to write here.
Mentoring an apprentice can proceed at quite a pace when the student is eager to learn and ready to work hard. Dolly proved herself to be such a one, and it was my honour and privilege to take her to the temple a few turns ago, where she set her feet on the beginning of the path I follow.

A number of unusual chests were found scattered around the lands. They seemed to be old War Chests. The locks were, naturally of an ancient design. They also triggered traps when first anyone tried to unlock them. Corsair taught a few rogues how to deal with those traps. It's always pleasant to master a new skill. But even with the traps deactivated the lockpicks and master lockpicks now available would not work on the ancient mechanism of those old locks. Keys were found eventually, hidden away for ages by gremlins and at last the chests fell open. There was an assortment of items found - demon items in one, primitives and ingots in another, a hoard of crystalline shards in a third. Corsair explained the relevance of where the chests had been found. They were bound up with the wars that led to the end of the golden age, though many who did not know the history and lore of those times may have been unaware. For myself I had wondered if the proximity of one chest to the ancient sites of Caer Soral and Winterhaven was more than coincidence , a thought which turned out to be correct.

Many took a portal to the nexus in an attempt to repair one of the pillars. The sharbearers, myself included, concentrated on releasing the streams of colour energy from the shards we carried. Bo and Cody rested their hands on the pillar for Branishor, relating the memories of events which gave them a strong connection to the city. All seemed to be going well at first but then something went amiss. The pillar shattered, sending pieces of debris flying into the attendees, most of whom were sent reeling to a monument. I recovered as usual, though there was a tinge of green affecting my sight for a short while afterward. All the shardbearers were apparently affected in the same way, the tinge of hue distorting their vision dependent on the shard they held. Valyna is digging into old tomes and scrolls for further research. All I have spoken with are agreed on one point - that further attempts should be made.

After such a hectic time it was pleasant to spend a few marcs at the inn last turn, quietly chatting with friends and acquaintances.
Wednesday, 08 March 2023
Changed @ 14:40 - Link - comments
For some reason a couple of pages worked their way loose and fell out of the journal. Here's the first one and I'll rewrite the second one on a later turn.

Tuesday, 14 February 2023
Changed @ 11:45
Lanterns rose above Caer Laleldan, marking the conclusion of Winter's Warming.
Many had gathered to mark the end of the festive season. The fortunate ones were there with a bondmate. Others came alone. Some attended in the company of a friend. It is pleasant to have someone to chat with as you tread the long road to the Caer.

I took out the quill gifted to me by the gods, so that the message attached to my lantern would be neat and tidy - and much more legible than the usual scrawl of my handwriting. The message was of course similar to thoughts that are constantly in my mind, hopes that I eternally carry in my heart. Those who know me will doubtless realise what those hopes are, and whom they concern.

The Reptiloid can rest now that the festivities are over. Maybe he will awaken in the future. In the meantime he will be in good company - the N'Rolav roguebeast, the PallasFish, the banditorogue, all those memories of past festivities.

As for the rogue Pallas - I have work to do. There's once again a shard in my pack which I can use for the benefit of the lands. I will return to my attempts to clear the vines north of Dundee. And I can walk the lands trying to perceive the truth behind what I see rather than taking everything at face value. Something seen may give one impression. A little thought will often show that first impression does not tell the whole story, that what we might share with others could be the result of misunderstanding what we have seen.