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The Book of Change
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Changed @ 20:09 - Link - comments
For the second time in half a cycle of the moon, I stood on the northern expanse in the dead zone, gazing on the dark and terrible stronghold of our implacable foe.

My first venture came after the Viscontessa and the Devora made a very generous offer to those who took part in their recent contest. The Viscontessa graciously allowed me to use her mighty blade for a time. I took the opportunity to enter the Dead Zone for the first time in many moons. I was able to train there, but I had another reason - I wanted to examine that stronghold as best I could.
It's a terrible place, that dark area north of Verth. I'm not sure whether the creatures or the very ground itself are the more twisted, and the air hangs heavy and oppressive, as likely to choke away life as to sustain it. I followed paths I'd not trodden before as I circled the bleak fortress and looked around the beach and cliff path. As others have reported, no entrance was visible.
A mix of thoughts came to me as I looked at that massive dark edifice. Here before me lay the centre of the web of evil that assails us, and no way to go further in. Though what gaining entrance might have achieved - if anything - I wasn't too sure. It had to suffice that I had reached the place, and that in itself was a small satisfaction.

Yesterevening I went back to that terrible place. After the wave of raids that swept the lands was the confrontation with Balthazar at the obelisk north of Bran. There was short-lived elation as the Dark Lord fell to our blades, but then the result of his recent plotting became clear, for he was reborn at a life monument of his own. That was his aim - not, as many of us thought, the assembly of some weapon, but the building of a monument.
The events were too much for the frail High Cleric, and Elijah fell in a swoon. T'yandra arrived and carried him through the streets of Branishor, still swarming with demons raiders, to the temple. And there we waited, while those who could do so fought off the attack. And then the news was brought to us - Elijah had died.

It's difficult to put words to my feelings right now. We have been dealt a bitter blow with the loss of Elijah, but we have suffered losses before and emerged as strong as before. And there's anger - at the Dark One, and at myself. I was unable to stop him stealing strength from me - and it appears now that strength was used toward powering a dark monument.
So, I returned to the Dead Zone. I knew it was unlikely that the monument would be there somewhere, visible for all to see, but I felt a need to check for myself. And as time and strength permits, I'll look around parts of N'Rolav. If the monument can not be found, perhaps some clue as to its whereabouts may be unearthed.