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The Book of Change
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Changed @ 00:15 - Link - comments
There must be something in the air of the lands at the moment. Maybe it's people feeling that the days are becoming brighter and their hearts are becoming lighter ... but whatever the cause, there is news coming to me of bondings. Such news gladdens my heart.

Lucy woke yesterevening, and it was a joy to have a chance to speak with her, having been so long since last we met. She is well, and spoke about training and crystal-hunting ... though I fear her discovery of a hammock at the guildhall may put those thoughts out of her mind!

A couple of days ago, I walked the lands for a while, but none of those I usually speak with were awake. The guildkin were sleeping, and the only sight I caught of one friend was as they climbed stairs to their usual resting-place. I roamed around, and eventually found myself in Fartown, though I don't recall how or why I happened to be there. I sat before the fire at the Inn, and took some time to think about time.
That might seem a bit pointless - and it could certainly cause a headache or an overheated brain! - but I was thinking not so much of time itself, but of how we see it and notice it's passing. Time is as it is. A marc is so long ... no more and no less. We know the length of a day, a moon-cycle, the time from FallFest to FallFest. These things are fairly well fixed, known by all.
But how do we see - or if I might use the word. how do we perceive - the passage of this time? A marc might drag on seemingly for ever, or might pass in the blink of an eye. It depends, I suppose, on what we are doing, whether what we are doing is pleasant or otherwise, and whether or not we're paying much attention.
I heard of two adventurers, very much in love. But one could wake only for one single day during Summerfaire, while the other walked the lands day after day. At the end of one of these days spent together, they were talking as the first prepared to take their usual long sleep. The second mentioned something about the long and lonely days until they met again. The first replied 'What lonely days are they? I shall see you tomorrow, as usual, after I've taken my rest.'
The same length of time for both, yes. The span of time from one Summerfaire to the next is an equal length of time for both. To one, it is seen as a night's rest after a pleasant day's festivities with their loved one. But to the other, it was the one bright and joyful day in an otherwise lonely life as the counted the marcs and moon-cycles 'til the next meeting.

I'm not to sure what brought those thoughts to my mind as I sat before that blazing fire in a far-off Inn. I drifted off to sleep, and the following marcs passed unnoticed. Only when I woke did I realise how much time had passed, and how quickly it had flown.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Changed @ 21:18 - Link - comments (1)
Once again, I realised how long it's been since I tried to write anything down, to keep this journal up to date with events in the lands. Not that there's been a shortage of things going on - far from it. I've looked at this book a few times, meaning to write, but I just didn't get around to it.

The Dark One took a couple of adventurers, though they eventually returned. His voice rolled across the lands, saying that it is all too easy to take what he wants from us without even stirring from his stronghold. The words he spoke could have meant he had actually taken something from us, but several have searched the lands, and all seems in order. As somebody pointed out, perhaps what he's taken is some peace of mind.

There's been some discussion about a silent hooded person that's been seen from time to time roaming around. I met them once, and tried to start a conversation, but failed as had others before me. I was speaking with one of my fellow rogues, and we seem to have reached a broadly similar opinion about some possibilities ... we'll have to wait and see what transpires.

Maya has joined the guild, and Bellaine has returned to us. Jael, and Safiae, and Lavinia are able to wake more often. As they make or renew acquaintance with Darklotus and Senetta, it's been a delight to hear so much chatter between the guildkin. And I'm told that Ellyana has been able to waken recently also.

Ellyana ... it's only recently that I've been able to speak of her with others. I've sensed for a long time that people have been hesitant to mention her name in my hearing. One went so far as to venture the opinion that to do so would, he feared, offend me. But that is so wrong ... what I've felt at mention of her name is not offence, but pain. But now she wakes, and that gladdens my heart, though the feeling is tinged with sadness that usually she can do so only while I am resting.

To know that the one you love is hurting ... to have the certain knowledge that though you swore to do all you can for them you are prevented from doing so when your help is most needed ... to have no opportunity to offer words of comfort and support ... as I say, the mere mention of a name can bring so much pain and heartache as you are reminded of your failure.

I stumbled across these words a few days back. I wrote them long ago, when Ellyana and I had returned from that dark place, and left the tumbled, smoking remains of a tower behind us. It was, I hoped, the start of a time when I could perhaps help my lady to heal in her heart and soul. It seems though, that it was the last time I could have those thoughts.

Your hand in mine, your smile as bright
as the sun that shines above
A long road never seems so long when walked with one you love

My hand in yours, the words I speak
everything I do
A hard task never seems so hard with love to see you through

Fire and steel, wits and words,
love sparkles like a stream
The impossible is possible now - take my hand, we'll catch our dream

I've walked the lands much since a wrote those words ... most of that time in darkness, much of that time alone. But one thing I have noticed - in the very darkest days, that light that is always there in my soul can blaze forth brighter than ever.

Ellyana, as I've said to you before ...

Never doubt ...

Never forget ...