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A book of medium size, bound in plain light leather. Inside it are the words, written in a clear hand, "This book belongs to Topaz."
Monday, 08 March 2010
The occurrences surrounding the Dockside Faire took place some time ago, but this poem has only recently (by request) been completed.


Spend the day at the Dockside Faire!
A waterfront party where pirates abound,
skillful duellers, dexterous jugglers,
and plentiful platinum prizes to win!
To the Golden Cutlass the Crier summoned
the skilled and valiant of Valorn's land
for riotous pleasures and raucous good times.

But the quiet word was whispered abroad:
a net for bandits, a baited trap,
a devious plot was the Dockside Faire.
For bandits were seen, stalking the land,
their plans unknown, their purpose dark.
Merrideth led them, elusive and fleet.

So the trap was set, to tempt the quarry
with rumors of riches ready for taking,
to draw them out from the Dark Woods
where they lurked and lingered, looking for prey.
No parchment proclaimed the people's plot;
the plan was passed from ear to ear.

The morning dawned on the Dockside Faire.
The Golden Cutlass greeted the sun,
lying at anchor. Along the dock
gathered the festive fair-going crowd:
jongleurs and jugglers, jesters, players,
wonderful merchants, their wares unfolded,
and Valorn's adventurers visited there.

Warriors wandered there, well-disguised.
Strong Skylsganin, skilled with the sword,
was dressed as a juggler, droll to behold;
Jake Randomzero joined in the crowd
with a watchful eye, wary and cautious.
Jaltz Stormshadow stood near the tavern,
a glowering thundercloud, grimly watching,
and a singer of songs strolled through the faire,
strumming a zither with sword-calloused hands.

An enchanter guarded the gate with care:
Pico the Ethucan, powerful, vigilant;
while beautiful Vardian, virtuous cleric,
made the crowd laugh in loud disbelief,
playing the part of a pirate, drinking.
Lineagist Urkki, lover of ale,
stood in the Swashbuckler, scanning the crowd
with a keen eye from the kitchen door.

Rogues in the shadows were ready and waiting,
a fleeing bandit would fail to escape
such swift pursuit. Sharp-eyed Pallas
pondered and thought, planned and perused.
With Talon Shardblade he shared his watch,
and Lowrenzo lingered and lurked unseen,
disguised as a merchant of many things.

Initiates also, newest adventurers,
waited till needed, with willing eyes.
Sollis stood watch, solemnly vigilant,
crowned by the gods. Karma Malindala,
sweet and laughing, looked here and there
for threats or suspicion with thorough care.

Sharp eyes spotted the shadowy prey;
like wind through the faire the word was passed
to many an ear: Merrideth came.
Not bold as Balthazar the bandit appeared,
but crouched in the crowd, cleverly hidden,
looking for prizes that lured her there.

Almost instantly, all were aware,
and the crowd closed, catching and holding
the elusive Merrideth, the mystery-bandit.
To slip through the trap she strove mightily,
but failing to flee, found herself captured,
well surrounded, ringed by adventurers.
A tall sword-wielder, well-spoken warrior,
questioned her calmly. But cold discourtesy
came from her lips, lies and denial,
defiance, flouting, flagrant scorn.

Lawless, she spoke her loud confession;
shameless, she shouted her schemes to all,
to plunder the bank, the people's treasures,
with her greedy gang of grasping thieves.
All heard her words, her horrid plotting
revealed to Valorn her vile intent.

Azure appeared, Iron-bound Knight,
declaring the law of the land of Valorn:
Witnesses heard the words of Merrideth,
proof of her guilt was gained by all.
From Caer Laleldan the loyal law-givers,
the Royal Guard, grimly descended
and carried away the captive bandit
to durance dark, a dungeon cell.

Then Pallas spoke, the pensive rogue,
of Merrideth's methods for misdeeds planned:
"To stalk the vaults of Valorn's treasures
they prowled the sewers. Proof I present
by the dreadful stench, the strong sewer-odor
of Merrideth's fleeing fellow-criminal.
By his smell we may seek him, escaped from justice."
And the gods of Sunrifter, senders of light
to mortal eyes and minds awake,
pleased with Pallas, praised his perception.

Now safe is Valorn; its vigilant heroes
guard its vaults from the greed of bandits
by their swords' might and their swiftness of thought,
in strong concord standing together.

Topaz posted @ 21:41 - Link - comments
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