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Darkened hours
Saturday, 29 June 2013
*here is what remains of a sketch of a beach with two figures sitting on the shore. The picture has been smeared and is almost unrecognizable from the image of what it once was.*

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 21:45 »»» - Link - comments
Sunday, 23 June 2013
I really just want to go sit by the sea with a cool nectar, my favorite pillow, and just soak up the sunrifter's rays.

*a hasty sketch of a vast body of water in front of a long stretch of beach, palm trees scattered along the shoreline. Two figures appear to be sitting beneath one of the trees with their faces turned towards the sun*

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 02:00 »»» - Link - comments
Friday, 21 June 2013
*sketched onto the page is a picture of a dark hole with a ladder going down. If one looks close enough, you can just make out the eyes and shape of an Obsidian Claw Minion staring up from the bottom of the hole*

My training is going so slow, and it seems like I have been down in these mines for days. I'm not sure if it is day or night outside. And I find all this darkness and gloom a touch depressing. I will be happy when I can visit the trainer again and leave this pit to the monsters that dwell within.

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 23:52 »»» - Link - comments
Thursday, 20 June 2013
I took on my second apprentice this week. She is a fiesty one, reminds me of myself from my younger days. Last night I brought young Aisling to the temple, and she has taken on the Enchanter's mantle. I know she will do me proud. I have not seen such strength of character in a long time. She will do well.

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 01:44 »»» - Link - comments
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
*sloppily drawn is a picture of a rather evil looking shark. It appears to be trying to eat a small red headed figure in robes. The figure looks to be trying to hit said shark on the head with a big stick*

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 19:37 »»» - Link - comments
I hate being confused. It's one of those emotions that I just don't handle well. I think I shall take a few days to eat cookies and sort out the mess in my head.

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 16:53 »»» - Link - comments
Sunday, 09 June 2013
I saw a bear today whilst wandering in the mountains. It looked at me kind of funny. I can't say I cared for that very much. I am pretty sure that if bears had thumbs, that one would have donned an apron and a chefs hat, and I would have been marinating in a rather large pot with some vegetables. I don't approve, not one little bit. <_<

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 01:44 »»» - Link - comments (2)
Saturday, 01 June 2013
I found a beautiful grove today whilst roaming about on Kilican. The scent of citrus and sun warmed earth lulled my into a relaxed state of peace. So many things to think about, so many things layed out before me. It feels like a new beginning is on the rise and I am happy to say that it is a welcomed one.

» Rowan Absentia posted @ 15:41 »»» - Link - comments