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The Book of Change
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Changed @ 19:25 - Link - comments
So many people were relieved to once more be able to write in their own journal, or to read what others had written in theirs. When they were first locked away from us, I started poking around for any bits of information that might have been useful in arranging their retrieval. I knew who had the key to the place where all the journals were locked away, and I found out about someone else who had a master key to the same place. So I sent messenger-birds flying, with requests and offers.

And I failed. Neither plat nor a rogue's silver tongue could make any headway in trying to secure release of the journals. It's fortunate that there are people more able than I who were able to do so, and my thanks go out to them.

Since I've been able to read the odd notes and words I've scribed here over time, I've been busy making a copy of not only my own words, but also the notes added by other hands. Now all I need to do is to find the scraps of parchment on which I'd noted down what would, in the normal course of events, have been already written on these pages, so that I can catch up with recording occurrences in the lands.