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The Book of Change
Tuesday, 07 June 2011
Changed @ 19:21 - Link - comments
I was resting when the voice of the Dark One was heard across the lands recently. From what I've been told, he said we were fools - presumably for our continued resistance against his plans - and he also said that it would not be long. I've been unable to ascertain what it will not be long until - but his words carried a definite threat.

I wanted to be as ready as possible to face whatever may be coming, to feel that I'm as fit and able as I can be to stand against whatever he may throw at us . A trip to N'Rolav Fartown enabled me to accumulate the final bits of learning I needed, and then I once more visited the trainer. Apart from the extra strength and energy I gained, I'm now also able to use armour which affords much more protection against our foes.

The last few visits to the trainer were to regain what had been drained away, and there was an extra satisfaction as I did so. This time, however, it was through cold, calculated necessity - not the normal manner in which I usually prefer to approach such things. But there are times when we do what we must, rather than as we might wish.
Saturday, 04 June 2011
Changed @ 12:51 - Link - comments
There's not always reason or logic behind decisions. Sometimes there's just the feeling that the time is right to do something that - for whatever reason - has been put off for a while.

I woke, and went to visit the trainer at Dundee. Then I made my way to Fartown, and into the mirrorland. The area is infested with dark creatures. A few marcs of hunting them down, and I'll be ready for the trainer once more. Once that's done, I'll have to track down one of the shadowy figures we rogues deal with, to get myself more effective armour. It's pricey, but will stand me in good stead as I face up to stronger foes. Fortunately I put a sum of money away some time ago for when new armour was needed. As it turned out, my offer to buy needed equipment for someone else was never taken up, so I'll use the funds for my own needs.

It might not feel quite right, but it is what it is. A promise unfulfilled because of the actions of the other person concerned is not a promise broken. And it was never a promise forgotten. Not on my part, at least.

Time to leave the place I've been resting, and start hunting down those last few kills I need.
Thursday, 02 June 2011
Changed @ 18:25 - Link - comments
I've done little of any worth or note since reclaiming all that had been drained. Once the task was complete I was left without any goal to aim toward. I've been roaming, and thinking. The centaurs and harpies of the N'Rolav mountain passes have borne the brunt of my mood, along with any raiding creatures that I'm able to fight.
Summerfaire will be with us fairly soon, but my mood and thoughts have been much darker than the approaching festival. That's been clear not only to me, but to those who know me well enough to understand the reasons behind my occasional extended trips into the dark passes of N'Rolav.
One such friend tracked me there the other day, bringing supplies in case I'd forgotten to pack any food - which was in fact the case. When the mood takes me, I just head to the mountains with very little planning or forethought, to that place where I can keep myself away from others for a while.
In a quick trip to Bran to sell some loot to Haggie, I'd seen he had handerkerchiefs for sale which have initials embroidered in a corner. I saw one with my initial, and bought it on a sudden whim. I've realised since why I bought that item, and tried to explain to the friend who come with food and company to the mountain passes: that I have it to carry as a reminder of who I was, and who I might be.
I slept, and dreamed of the lady, and I thought I heard my name called. When I woke, I did indeed hear a call - but not to me alone. The voice I heard was the Crier, summoning us all to once more stand in defence of the lands.