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Two thin slats of wood hold a collection of paper of various sizes. The writing itself bears scrawls, writeouts and scratchthroughs. Careful looking will reveal most of the poor spelling diction and grammer being marked through and more typical writing being left.
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Wednesday, 25 June 2008
He is back. I don't know why he is turning his clothes about like he said. But he is back. That is good. I'm trying to remember what he taught but it's hard. I'll work on it.

I saw Bear and Wolf. They told me a bit more about what has happened. There is more getting dark. People will fix it. They are smart. Lion showed the notes too. That will help.

People are helping when they can. I will too.

Darkness doesn't have to stay when people want light. I learned that.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments (1)
Friday, 20 June 2008
I brought them more food and drink to try. I didn't look to see if they came out. I don't know if they tried any but I hope they did. Wolf asked if they gave me anything. I went to give not get. I tried to explain. He understood. He's good that way.

It was a day to travel. I went to the other quiet dark for more supplies. I remembered they were there from before. They were still there. I don't know hwy they haven't left if they don't want to be there. People have tried to help them. Maybe Bear would know. I will ask.

Maybe they're afraid. It's easy to be afraid of things and not do anything about it. It's harder to be afraid and do something. Sometimes people do one. Sometimes the other. I wonder if you can figure out what you'll do before it happens. Maybe some can. Other times I reckon it's a surprise.

Zayne was around today. We didn't talk but I saw him. That's good. The other day Jenla was around. It's good to know they're okay.

He said he got someone else to deliver the letters. I hope he's okay. He didn't seem comfortable here. Maybe that will change.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Monday, 16 June 2008
I went to the inn today. Jaltz and Scally were there to talk. Scally has his all done now. I'm glad. He talked about taking leaves and putting them in his trunk. He says it's good to have a place for things. I think he's right. Then he went away. It was good to see them both.

He wants some letters taken to his wife. He offered to pay but I said no. Telling me about him is enough. If I wanted letters taken to Light I would want someone to just do it. Maybe the asking for the telling will be enough. He says I'll have to decide how he is though. I don't understand. Maybe I will later.

Vardian came and I could give her the jar. Maybe now she can store it and not lose it again. That would be bad. She says she's busy now. That's good. Being busy is good.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Some midnights are loud and noisy. Others aren't. This one wasn't. It was almost like the quiet dark even when I left it. I don't see all midnights though. I only see some. Is each different or is there a sameness to them? I would like to know that I think.

There are so many things to know. Sometimes its tough to know where to start. Questions are the best ways sometimes. Wolf and Lion and others have been good at answering them when I ask. Others too. Sometimes the Dundee Inn has lots of people there to help answer. Thorin answered lots of times.

Now sometimes people ask me questions. I try to answer them. It must be hard to ask a question when you don't know who you've asked. It's good though. It lets you meet new people

Even though it might not be long to some it seems a long time to me since I asked my first question and visited John. I wonder how he and Ural and the others do this all the time. It must be lots of work. I wonder if people thank them. Or if they ever get to travel elsewhere.

Midnights are good times to think.

StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Saturday, 07 June 2008
He says he knows him. He says he's here because he gave him the scroll I gave him right before he left.

I wonder if he knows how he is doing now. I hope I can ask him.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments