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Life of a Roguess
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Emmy @ 11:34 - Link - comments
One more level and I will be happily farming in the swamp caves. It took most of the day to finish up my training, but I did it. I will set out getting to level 58 here soon. I know it will take a few days, but I'm determined to do this.

I can't wait to see Stan. I miss him so much. I just want to feel his arms around me and look into his eyes.

I know I told myself I wouldn't fall head over heels again for anyone, and well, it's when you don't expect it, and not looking for anything or anyone that it happens. He means so much to me and makes me truely happy.

I know he is well, I've received word from him. He should be returning soon. Until he does, I will train away. When he does return, I'm planning on spending time with him. I just hope that nothing comes up to prevent this from happening................
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Emmy @ 15:57 - Link - comments
It's been a week, no sign of him, no word, no nothing. I just hope he's ok and he will return soon.

Training is going slowly, but I'll get there, only need 30% more and I'll be level 57, then one more level and I can happily farm the swamp caves again. Level 58 is where I will stay from now on. I'm not gonna get any higher than that.

When things settle down, Ams and I have decided to plan a party for the guild. Just something to livin things up for everyone. Hopefully it will be what we need.

I am still holding out hope that a new plot will open soon so this guild can finally get a home. I believe that will help out tremendously with the spirits of everyone.

My trainees are makin me farm like all get out. It would seem I have at least 4 now, one is getting ready to level as I write this, 2 won't be far behind him, and not sure about the other one. I have not been able to talk to her for a bit. I need to really stop and take inventory on all these trainees, see who is still around and who isn't. I mustn't over tax myself with this.........
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Emmy @ 14:15 - Link - comments (2)
Why is it this is the one area I always fall slack in? Seems I've gone and leveled. Got to see Stan shortly after I did. He gave me more than enough for my armor. And now, I haven't seen him since. I hope he's ok and that he comes back soon. As always, I go about acting as if nothing is wrong, and I might add, I've become quite good at it, but with him not being around, it's like a part of me is missing. All I want is to hear his voice, look into his eyes and know what he's thinking and what he's feeling.

On a good note, it seems I may have a couple new apprentices, which is always wonderful. It surely gives me something to do to keep me busy, and will need to try to persuade them into joining Honor soon. The guild is quiet, almost too quiet, and I'm not going to lie, it has me worried. I'll have to get with Ams and see about planning a party to help wake them all up...........
Monday, 14 July 2008
Emmy @ 12:54 - Link - comments
It's been too long since I've written anything down. I left for my trip and now I'm back. Didn't realize how many people I would miss til got back. I'm still missing Stan. Seems everytime I wake, he's falling asleep or vise versa. Hopefully soon we will be able to catch up. It's so hard for me to get back into the swing of things. Half the time I don't know if I'm coming or going or what it is I'm suppose to be doing. Hopefully this state won't last too long. I'm so ready to just get back out there and train or farm, but I don't want to do that until I've gotten to see Stan and feel his arms around me at least once. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but I doubt it. I did get to speak to him for a short bit the other day when I first got back. I could tell by the words he said that he missed me as much as I missed him.

Ams has given me back leadership. I don't know how to thank her enough for all she's done for me. She's one of the few that I can really call a friend. She's helped me out in so many ways, I can't even begin to name them all. It's when you find yourself gone for a few days or a week, like I was, that you really do start to realize what certain people mean to you..............
Thursday, 03 July 2008
Emmy @ 08:25 - Link - comments
Well, Stan made it to 51. Seems I searched everywhere for that MP for him, finally found it in the volcano maze. I am so happy for him. Now we are just taking a break from all the training and the farming. Yes, I've started my training again. We've come to the conclusion that it would be best for him to stay 53 for a bit and for me to get back to 58, just taking forever it seems for me to get anywhere. But I guess that's what I get when I don't train for a long time. I really need to get my bum into gear.

I can't wait to really be back full time. It shouldn't be long now. Ams is doing a wonderful job from what I can tell. I knew I could count on her. She's such a good officer and a great friend.

I got to talk to Val for a few. She's doing great. I'm so happy for her with getting accepted into her new guild. She deserves to be happy, and seems like she is started in the right direction.

Ok, think I best go try to train a little while he's resting................