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Vardian's Journal
Vardian's Journal
The book looks brand new and well cared for. The owner obviously takes a great deal of care over it and if you glimpse the writing it is neat and tidy. There is a large bundle of paper attached to it that seem to be covered in writing, some looks quite old.
Monday, 22 January 2007

What exactly IS my purpose here. That is not mine to know. The gods know it and they watch over it though I may not have the strength or wisdom to find that path.

It has now been almost 10 long Valornian years since I have seen my King...dare to call my love. Selfish to think of it - for it is the people who need their King more than I. I want Him to be sure, but could I say I needed him more? How can that be so for the heart of one is nothing to the heart and very soul of many. Of the very land itself. The grief is not waning exactly, but it feels different. Things become memory. Vivid and true and never waning, but memory none the less. It is hard to see adventurers throughout the land with no knowledge of their King. He is not real to them. A rumour at best, and a curiosity. There are many loyal to Him who remember his presence, but I am told there are even those who outwardly deny His person as real. They hear what they think are tall tales of a fictitious past. That hurts most of all.

But I do not feel the despair I did. I am not sure why but I thank the gods for it. Comfort is to be found and to be had if sought for. I was not aware I WAS seeking it, but it has found me.

Quietness and peace and comfort.

I have felt it and it is good.
Vardian posted @ 17:48 - Link - comments (2)
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