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A book of medium size, bound in plain light leather. Inside it are the words, written in a clear hand, "This book belongs to Topaz."
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Three years ago, I said:

Wyf Broadskull, before the eyes of the gods and the people of Valorn, I promise, swear, vow, and affirm to you that you are my love, and I am your bondmate forever. I will be beside you in adventure, and at your back in danger or darkness. My heart, my life, and my honor are forever in your keeping.

I still say it.


In light and in shadow I have sworn my word.
I call to witness the watching eyes
of Valorn's proud and valiant people,
and Sunrifter's dwellers, the strong world-builders,
the oath-guardians, the gods of Valorn.

In light and in shadow I have sworn my word:
through comings and goings, green leaf-forests
and white wastelands, winters and summers,
through black darkness, bitterness, breaking
of heart and hope, and helpless distress.

For as the dawn draws up light
from the gods' well, like water flowing,
drenching the dry and desert dark,
so the sun returns, shining and sure,
as bright each morning as burning gold.
In light and in shadow I have sworn my word.

Topaz posted @ 16:40 - Link - comments
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