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A book of medium size, bound in plain light leather. Inside it are the words, written in a clear hand, "This book belongs to Topaz."
Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Two years ago, I said:

Wyf Broadskull, before the eyes of the gods and the people of Valorn, I promise, swear, vow, and affirm to you that you are my love, and I am your bondmate forever. I will be beside you in adventure, and at your back in danger or darkness. My heart, my life, and my honor are forever in your keeping.

I still say it.


You hold my heart and honour in your hands,
as pure as gold, as strong as iron bands;
the seamless weaving of our souls combined,
two given to the bonding of one mind,
a tapestry of precious jewelled strands.

No shining treasure lost in shifting sands,
uncovered by the heroes of our lands,
can equal this, the joy I daily find:
you hold my heart.

Like roots set fast in rock, our bonding stands,
true to the gods and to our love's commands;
so I declare, in sung and spoken kind,
with printed word (this poem) strongly signed,
engraved as clear and deep as burning brands:
You hold my heart.


Topaz posted @ 11:06 - Link - comments (1)
Wednesday, 11 February 2009

In honor of the Queen's second anniversary (better late than never)


We rejoice when spring arrives,
flowers blooming out of snow,
fragrance sweet, and green that thrives
as the herbs and branches grow.

Also we rejoice to say
Valorn's spring returned this day.

We rejoice when we behold
battle's triumph at our hands,
when our heroes, brave and bold,
valiantly defend our lands.

Also we rejoice to see,
Throned is Valorn's victory.

We rejoice to write and learn
songs of praise so sweet to hear,
praises for our Queen's return;
'tis her second joyful year;

songs of blessings heard and seen:
Hail Cordelia, Valorn's Queen.

Topaz posted @ 00:48 - Link - comments (3)
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