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The Storm and the Maiden
Monday, 23 February 2009
Within the Storm @ 10:14 - Link - comments
I am keeping my Sunrifter shard lit as often as I can until I know he returns safe. It comforts me and I hope its light and energy will helps guide him in someway.

Life can be so tough, and when it is I have found that it does not get easier quickly, but eventually things do get better and I believe in that because I have experienced it - and for that there is reason to smile and show faith. Wish upon a bright star, blow away the petals of a delicate flower into a breeze, whatever you feel helps, just believe and stay as positive as you can. Everyone’s soul has been dragged through darkness, hopelessness, anxiety and despair. Times where we feel more hurt, exhausted and completely alone – but no, we are not alone and our lives like the world we stand upon revolves in circles and at a point in time things will change again the hurt and sadness we feel will end and the happiness the comfort and good feelings will once again return – stronger then ever and our souls are stronger for having endured.

Peace, happiness, love and light can prevail in all times of trials and these unending assaults from the darkness and evil - on the body and the heart and soul. With strength and heart honor and will … devotion and kinship how could it not?
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Within the Storm @ 14:06 - Link - comments
Well what a nice surprise. Miranda was about wrecking havok on old guild halls and setting up some space for new - an out with the old in with the new sort of thing and she stopped by the Dundee inn for a drink afterwards. She says you work up quite a thirst wrecking havoc and such with destruction like that. She had a few words to say - Imagine that, a subject I myself have had to speak and write of, about some adventurers and their continued blindness or not seeing who the real enemies who stalk these lands are. And who are they? Why the beasties and the demons of course and not each other. A pity it is that there will always be those who are lost or blinded and that it will never end. Then she set off a firework of mine and Urkkis. Right there in the inn after Urkki suggested. Was quite lovely and amazing the way they whizzed right out the window guided by her will and blasted up into the skies where they then burst into a brilliance of color. Made me smile genuinely for what felt like the first in a very long time. I was grateful. Then luckier even I got to see Skye for a time and the little thief stole my plume. I love her, I do.

And the crier just said the funniest thing!! He claims that dear Shirila Moonlight is not a jerk! HA! I was a non-jerk not so long ago, too - if I remember correctly. Well she deserves not to be called a jerk and her story is rather funny. She is good people and works hard to help others, I am proud of her. And darling Shannara - the Compassionate! How happy am I for her and how deserving is she to walk with such a proper title that graces her very essence. And my friends at Shieldwall – I am so happy to see they now have a guild plot. It pleases me to see such positively as I walk.

Now to just get some more time with my family – and some one on one time with Pallas (and maybe meet who I hear he is sponsoring) and FINALLY get the Tower to look as I imagine it in my head then I will feel THAT much better. In my quieter times now, I miss you, my dear friends.