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Shadowins Adventures
About Me
Location: Scotland
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Swords, fights, giant planks of wood sitting in a position near a sleeping enemy and beer in Valorn inn.
wimps who run away when i want to fight them and not having enough money to buy beer in Valorn inn.
The Dark Grimoire

I live to thieve, I live to fight,
i am Shadowin,
i wander at night,
in a world of sin,
Where the monster's might,
may never win
last days
February 2006



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Shadowins Adventures
The leather cover is torn with the words in bold on the front:Shadowins Journal of Adventures in Valorn.Some pages are missing and some others falling out.A dead demon is lying beside the journal.Theres seems to be something glowing inside...
Monday, 20 February 2006
I was still running...
Now there were bears wanting to join in.
I kept running, screaming i had to get away.
I saw some light....
It must be the exit into Dundee.
i ran...I have to get there...
i kept screaming and running,
One of them caught up with me..
I turned round and wacked it with my sword.....
Oh,the blade snapped,i knew i should of got a better sword when i had the chance.
Its quite hard writing while running,so excuse my messy writing /)-=, like that.
/)(-Ive made it,theres Dundee,im going to ma)'/( - .
I was near the bridge,i could see the inn, then i thought of a pint of ale being pored in the warmth of the cosy bar with the gossip of the nosy drunks who used to share everything they know about people.
I was half way across the bridge,then something strange happened,a light flashed in front of my eyes and the demons and other things behind me ran back into the woods...
After that i walked into the pub,drunk a bit and shared my story with the other's
Shadowin posted @ 06:13 - Link - comments

Sunday, 19 February 2006
I was running through the forest.
I had to get through....and i was almost there.
I was going to make it....I was....I will...Until.....They showed up.
I ran through the forest...I had to get through...i thought i had...but just then
I was surounded by wolves and demon's, all wanting to kill me.
I did'nt think so many creatures could hate humanity, maybe just not being fed.
I did what i thought was the only option, the most obvious option...
So i ran away screaming like a mad man, throwing stones and sticks at them to try and keep them away...and no, i didnt lead them to the open manhole to get chased by mad men.
They wouldnt go away and to top it all off, i was lost,lost with things after me.
Shadowin posted @ 14:39 - Link - comments

Saturday, 18 February 2006
Some time after making inn keeper plummet down manhole and get chased by mad men.

Later that night i was in the inn again.
I had been drinking a lot of ale and decided to go and pick a fight with some guy.
I staggered over and called him a *The next part has been clawed at making it difficult to read with the missing letters and words*
...en i got to my feet he clobbered me again, much to the amusement of the innkeeper and the fellow barmates who burst out laughing.
Well,at least it got me a free ale from the innkeeper who had'nt laughed so much since the last time i got clobbered.
walking home i discovered something....something couldnt have been...could it...but was was*the next bit is missing and you that demon blood?*
Shadowin posted @ 17:38 - Link - comments

Later on after plummeting down open manhole and being chased by mad men...
I was walking out side of the inn after drinking a lot of beer and shouting *the ink is smudged, making it impossible to see what the word says*at the top of my voice and being kicked out of the inn.
I pushed through the crowds of Dundee and staggered out of the gates at the north turning to a bridge.
i crossed the bridge and stumbled into a swamp.
A live thorn bush attacked me and something clobbered me over the head.
i woke up inside a cave with an old man who told me i was knocked out and the old man saw the bush about to clobber me again, so he pulled me inside his cave.
He said if i got him some *The next part is missing*
i walked back into his cave with the wierd looking metal and the old man made me some new strange boots.
*theres a picture of the cave here*
i walked back into Dundee and into my hut...Then it hit me...i dont have a hut.
I realised id walked into the inn again and the innkeeper was just wandering over to let me have it.
He chased me out of the inn and became the official latest man to plummet down an open manhole.
Shadowin posted @ 15:39 - Link - comments

Hello, i am the one known only as Shadowin, im usually seen at night killing monsters.*Theres a picture of me here*This is my journal and these are some of the entries that are still in the book and not lost after demons had stolen my book, they keep trying to, its as if its magical or something.
I had been walking along the path to the inn when suddenly i slipped down an open manhole.
There were giant rats and jellies everywhere that started chasing me.
A rat attacked me, i jumped back stabbing it in the head with the training sword Samuel made for me when i gave him a dead acid jelly. Then an acid jelly attacked me.
I decided to run to the ladder and get out before they all attacked.
But i could'nt find the ladder anywhere.
Without looking i ran into the side of the sewer, i got up quickly and staggered into a tunnel where a bandit chased me until i found the ladder and climbed back up to the streets of Dundee.
Quickly,i slammed the lid onto the open manhole,to make sure that the rats,jellies and bandits could not get out.
Once the manhole was shut i walked away into the inn.
Shadowin posted @ 15:10 - Link - comments

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