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The Book of Change
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Changed @ 20:15 - Link - comments
Time flies. But it does so in a straight line. The past gives way to the present, which leads on to the future, always moving in just one direction.
Life, on the other hand, sometimes seems to go in a circle or loop back on itself. How many times have you thought 'This has happened before...'?

The room at Ryndall which Valyna led us into was featureless for the most part. Plain stone walls and floor, one door leading back out, and a tripod in the centre of the room. It wasn't so much the exact look of that room, but more an atmosphere about it. There was a visible way out for sure, and the centre held a tripod not a pulsing crystal. But I was immediately reminded of some other room where, a long time past, nine of us were trapped and drained of strength and learning. It was a strange feeling, and rather unsettling. I know it was not just me affected - another of the nine was there, and had felt the same on entering that room.
And again, as once before, I have a shard in my pack which, after preparations are made, could be useful for the people of the lands.

Is it fate? Or perhaps it?s the will of the gods who look over us. Or maybe it's just my habitual curiosity that leads me into getting caught up in things going on as I struggle to understand what is happening. But I do know for sure that the main thought in my mind as I left Ryndall truly was 'This has happened before.'
Wednesday, 07 December 2022
Changed @ 12:12 - Link - comments
Set a thief to catch a thief.

It's an old saying back in my home land, and it contains a grain of sense. Sending one with a similar mind-set to the prey would seem to have some advantage to it, as they would think in a similar way to the one they seek. A dubious character perhaps, but one that can be used to advantage in some ways.
But - handing the key of a bank to a dubious character seems an unwise move. To be sure I did see the key to the Milltown bank handed back to Michael though there was no way I could tell how long since the banker had handed the key over, or how it had been used other than gaining access on the one occasion I witnessed. And there was definitely no way to ascertain if that key has been copied!
I'll watch with interest for any further odd events at the bank in Milltown. And also I will conduct my business with the banker in Dundee or at the 22 guild-holding. Better safe than sorry, according to another saying from home.