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The Book of Change
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Changed @ 21:52 - Link - comments
I was so relieved to find this journal when I rummaged through items in the bank - I'd feared it was lost. Seems there's a lot of catching-up to do, to record what's happened in the lands , and the thoughts that have come to my mind, for any that care to read this.

If there were no other reason, I've been keeping a note of the small victories there may have been as we took another trip around the Sunrifter, what achievements there have been - though what I may have gained in no way compares to what has been lost. Hopefully over the next few days, I'll be able to record such things from the last cycle or so before they slip from my memory.

Which reminds me of a conversation with a trusted friend a couple of day past - and there are so few who can be called such. We spoke of things that are , and things that were, and of the events whereby one becomes the other - and of how I said that I was gifted - or, depending on how you look at it, cursed - with the ability to recall what has been said to me or what has occurred. Of course, that ability brings with it the ability - for good or bad - to remember what has transpired, and to make connections separated by time - though those connections may not be there.

I waited for twilight, and reached out a hand to capture Sunrifter's last shining ray. And I reached out with the other hand, and took the first of the light of the night. Gossamer-light webs and the sparkling foam off the ocean waves I also took.
And I built a dream ... a wonder constructed of imagination and light.
Magnificent arches of joy, soaring buttresses of peace, fantastic towers constructed of love, that flashed and sparkled ... all built upon a solid foundation of fellowship from which walls built of friendship sprang up and up ...

I stepped back to examine the miracle before my eyes, and as I did so the voice that invades my thoughts and dreams from time to time spoke once more.

It's so wonderful. See how it soars, unlimited except by the boundaries of your tiny mind.
It's so magnificent. See how it reflects your hopes and dreams.
It's so fragile. See how easily it crumbles and falls into ruin ...

And then I awoke - alone save for the shadows and echoes of other times.