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A book of medium size, bound in plain light leather. Inside it are the words, written in a clear hand, "This book belongs to Topaz."
Friday, 23 December 2005
El Sinister wanted a poem in celebration of the holiday season. Being rather busy, this is the best I could come up with.

(for El Sinister)

Frost white, snow at night,
starlight's shine on fir and pine,
market throngs, joyful songs,
candles burning, home returning.

Topaz posted @ 17:58 - Link - comments
Saturday, 17 December 2005

Beneath the Wall, too deep for light of day,
I hunt soul leaches and the foul undead.
Across the Wastelands I have fought and bled,
and through the ogres' lairs I stalk and slay.
Through caves of fire and ice I seek my prey;
the snowy mountain passes know my tread.
For me the grinning demons hold no dread;
my sword and I are eager for the fray.

Yet fear I know, that bids me turn and run,
to scream in terror like a babe new-born.
For I have loved you since my sword was new,
but love's the foe by which my heart's undone:
I fear your coldness, and I fear your scorn,
afraid to speak one word of love to you.

Topaz posted @ 13:33 - Link - comments (1)
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