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A book of medium size, bound in plain light leather. Inside it are the words, written in a clear hand, "This book belongs to Topaz."
Friday, 04 August 2006


Lindsey the learned, the lore-keeper
of Aldwythe's Landing, looked in amazement
on a fateful find in a faded volume,
between the pages: a precious Seal.
The wise book-warden went toward Branishor
to seek the help of holy Elijah,
but his frail steps failed in their journey;
a sudden portal stole him away
in swirling smoke and the stench of demons.

Wilson the cleric, willing apprentice,
followed his footsteps, faint and bloody,
until he too was taken suddenly,
and Eris Discordia came to the portal
but met with death by dark lightning.

Across the land a call went out
to save the two stolen by demons
from cruel harm and hideous death.
But of those two no trace was found,
till Elijah rose from restful slumber.

To the Shrine at Milltown he summoned the heroes,
and T'yandra Stallheart, strong hammer-bearer,
splendidly armored, answered the call.
To the bold adventurers, Valorn's bravest,
she spoke these words: "A way there is
to gain the lair of the loathsome demons,
and win the freedom of Wilson and Lindsey.
Let all gather in groups of adventurers,
in levels of skill, the strong with the weaker
to fight all foes, and follow that way."

A fallen meteor marked the beginning,
crashed to the ground in a cursed orchard.
With hands upheld, holy T'yandra
chanted a ritual, called on power
of the blessed gods, of Ben and Cory.
and by the gods' will, a way opened:
northward the path to the place of demons.

A deep darkness, a dreadful screaming
met the heroes. Hordes of demons,
foul-fanged creatures, fell upon them.
The strong adventurers, steadfast in courage,
strode through the dark, striking the foe,
though their comrades fell, before and behind,
struck down by demons, dying bravely,
seeking the lost ones, Lindsey and Wilson.

Shoulder to shoulder they stood together:
Fleur the proud, flower of healers,
fair-haired Raffe, fierce sword-bearer,
hard-striking Hacken, holding the line,
Venus Darkmoon, Doyle the holy,
Korrith the kind, clear-sighted Xanthias,
scowling Thorne, seafarer Eldrin,
and a host of others harried the enemy.

Hastening ahead, the heroes faltered,
then heard the voice of valiant Wilson,
faithful cleric, fearless of death,
deeming dishonor the direst of fates.
Forward they fought through the foul demons,
cutting a swath to the cleric's side.
The rescuing heroes he healed and blessed,
then urged them on into evil darkness
where the loyal librarian Lindsey was hidden.

Then the tide turned. Terror-stricken,
the demons fled as the fierce adventurers
charged their ranks, chasing and killing
with hammer and staff, sword and dagger.
A barrier stopped them, barring their way,
but T'yandra the cleric came to meet them.
Once more she beseeched the strength of the gods
with hands uplifted in a holy ritual.
Burst and broken, the barrier fell,
releasing Lindsey, lost no longer,
alive and unharmed, hiding the Seal
safe in his pack through peril of demons.

Now Framon the skilled and Shadow Ryder
summoned portals to send the heroes
back to Milltown with much rejoicing.
Elijah the holy hailed their triumph,
gave praise to Valorn that vanquished the demons.

Upon the altar he placed with joy
a prize well earned by the people of Valorn,
deep and clear, catching the light,
fourth of the five, the Fluid Seal.

Topaz posted @ 18:00 - Link - comments (1)
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