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Vardian's Journal
Vardian's Journal
The book looks brand new and well cared for. The owner obviously takes a great deal of care over it and if you glimpse the writing it is neat and tidy. There is a large bundle of paper attached to it that seem to be covered in writing, some looks quite old.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
I can scarce believe how long it has been since I wrote here. So many dreams, so many marcs, so many events passing like snowflakes in the western mountain. Such tragedy, such terror, such darkness, and yet such hope. For I, for one, will never let hope die again. I wear it dear on my finger as I did some 5 years ago. Well that was longer than 5 years, but I associate it with 5 years - hope.

Hope died utterly in me. My heart was frozen. My very soul turned grey. I was as a wraith, like those creatures I have found and slaughtered, though my purpose was never evil and never from the Dark One.

And even now, of late, so it is that I feel the Dark One try and taint me again. He will not. I still believe nothing. I hear the wisdom in those around me, I understand their want of natural acceptance - no, not acceptance, rather belief - but i do not believe Elijah can be gone. That brain so great, that mind so clever, that holiness so pure, that ........most wonderful of clerics - cannot be gone. The words I have heard reported - and how it troubles me that I have not heard them myself..... was that he had lost hope. Hope can be found again. I cling to that report. I truly do.

But light - oh light can permeate anywhere.... the smallest, tiniest crack in a great expanse of dread darkness will let it through. I have been told I am a light - I could not have heard it from anywhere else but those lips. Yet that dearest one will only ever speak truth to me - so light it is. And the gods know, oh how the gods know, that dearest of ones is mine.

My light, my life. My compass, my rock. My very foundations. My love. 5 long, sweet years. As fresh now as then. I as astounded as then.

LIGHT - permeates all darkness. HOPE - greatest of all. PEACE - I see it one day, a small cottage, a vegetable garden, perhaps some animals....... quiet words, Sunrifter on high......

Oh please dear gods and goddesses.
Vardian posted @ 16:53 - Link - comments
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