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The Book of Change
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Changed @ 16:54 - Link - comments
Many of us gathered on the Worldbuilder Lawn, in readiness for the Prayer Ceremony. Elijah arrived, attended by T'yandra, the frailty of his body forgotten when one saw the bright light of devotion, of readiness to do all necessary for the defence of the lands, that shines still in his eyes.
The prayers were brief, but profound. And yet a sense of unease came upon us the temperature dropped and a biting wind howled around us. And it seemed that baleful eyes were watching ...
I felt a sensation of being weakened once again, and sure enough, all I'd learned since being trapped with that black crystal had been lost. The Viscontessa Miranda and the Devora Jane manifested before us with the grim news that all in the lands had been weakened in this way. But it was their hope that something could be done, to give us a chance to prove ourselves once more.

After the ceremony I returned to the gloom of the N'Rolav tombs. Even shut away down in that darkness, I heard the sound of draining water, heard and felt a great rush of wind, heard the sound of rock cracking and breaking apart. I hurried away from the tombs, seeking what may have occurred in the lands.

I found in my turn what the Gods had sought for us. Places where we can learn to become stronger than was possible before. And, thanks to the diligence of the Gods' search, an area where in my weakened state I can hunt and learn.

A couple of days ago, for the first time in far too many mooncycles, I visited the trainer. There was, I must admit, a certain extra satisfaction accompanying the visit, as I made the first step in taking back what has been drained from me.

I've heard the Crier call many times over these last few days. The defenders of the lands are taking full advantage of the newly-discovered areas. And the nine are steadily clawing back from the Dark One that which he took from us.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Changed @ 15:21 - Link - comments
I've been training down in the N'Rolav tombs. It's quite a time since I spent any time in the gloom there, but it's necessary right now.
I've had an opportunity while I walk the halls and corridors to think on what happened to the nine of us in that room. We passed time there speculating on the purpose of the crystal while, at first unknowingly, we were weakened. We spoke also of Elijah, of the ancient tale he related.

Some thoughts have come to my mind, but there are so many unknowns and uncertainties it's difficult to know where to even start trying to reason out or even guess what the future might hold. My thoughts turned to strength and energy, and their power and use.
We've been told that the Gods willingly gave up some of their energy, trapping it within a crystal, so that we mortals might have the gift of the Life Monuments. It seems to me that along with that power the crystal also held the beneficence of the Gods, the kindliness with which they look upon us. So, if the purpose of the crystal near which we were held was to take some of our strength, then perhaps,and hopefully, that crystal has also absorbed our feelings toward the Dark One? In taking a part of us, he may have taken a part of what keeps us fighting against him, maintains our struggle against the forces he sends against us?

As I say, so many unknowns, so many unresolved questions.

I reflected on these matters as I sat on Midnight Beach before resting, looking at the round, black stones that lie there. And I took from my pouch one of those stones, one given on the same day some time ago. I sat there for marc upon marc, gazing at the stone in my hand, trying to puzzle things out.

I woke, and made ready to attend a Prayer Ceremony called by T'yandra on behalf of Elijah. Perhaps there, some answers may come to light.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Changed @ 21:44 - Link - comments
I woke a few days ago, and instantly felt myself being transported against my will by some power. When the motion ceased, I looked at my surroundings. A narrow, low-ceilinged room, with no obvious means of exit. At first my mind only registered in passing the fact that others were there ... my first instinct when faced with an unknown room is to find a way out. My hand dropped to my belt where my picks are kept, and I scanned the entire room. But there was, it became clear, no way to leave.
I took a closer look at the others there - Doyle, Avian, Purazon, Topaz, Deagus, Hojo, Azure, and Naridith - and all clearly brought there unwillingly in the same way. As I was brought to the room, Naridith was trying to use a portal cast by Deagus, but she travelled merely to the other side of that dark room.
Well, not totally dark. There was a crystal at the room's centre, black but pulsating with purple light. The pulsation seemed to increase when any neared the crystal, and from time to time it seemed to hum.
Whatever, wherever, that place was, one thing was clear. We would not be able to leave until we were allowed to do so.
We spoke of what we'd been doing when taken, and I was able to glean the information that there were raids in the lands. All the Knights who were dealing with the situation had been taken, along with many of the strongest defenders of the lands. I wasn't too sure why I was there, as I'd been sleeping and knew nothing of the raids.
A discussion arose about what we might do, and what that crystal might be. Then I watched as one by one the others disappeared from my sight, and then as quickly as I'd been taken to that place, I was sent to the Inn at Dundee along with everyone else. We all felt weak, drained ... and we soon realised that as the simple truth. Every one of the nine of us has been drained of a significant amount of our strength.
What the import of this event may be is something with which I can occupy my mind, as I return to some old hunting grounds in order to fight to reclaim what's been taken.