Dark Grimoire Players Network

Rate Title Author Description Updated
Thorinos' journal Thorinos Verikalius This medium sized leather book has a black cover, with the name Thorinos written in bold, red letters across the front. [no messages]
Aceriana's Journal Aceriana This world is still so strange and new to me, I must write it all down so that one day, I will not be forgotten. [no messages]
From the Shadows gwendelen A simple leather book, held together by a dark green ribbon. On the cover is the name of the book's owner, etched simply. [no messages]
Qeen Booh queen booh I'm new to this game. I'm still learning. so be patient with me ok. [no messages]
The Marked Writings Grom An index of texts written by Grom the Marked during his travels across Trinald. (Very much under construction at the moment) [no messages]
KPercy DeRiva Trixjam A loose-leafed, leather-bound snap file containing bundles of parchment. Held closed by leather straps, bow tied. [no messages]
Kondar's Adventures Kondar A small 8x5 book with a black leather cover. The name Kondar is eteched into the top left corner of the front cover. The book appears worn after much use and adventure. [no messages]
Hvetha Cordova the Newest Hvetha Cordova She was chosen by her elders to go forth and become an enchanter for the world of Valorn, little did she know that it would be the greatest time of her life. [no messages]
A light from the Shadows Jakob Altair The personal journal of Jakob Altair. [no messages]
[untitled] Razzor [no description] [no messages]
Path to Glory Hadrael This will tell about the life of Hadrael and how he fairs on the path to glory. [no messages]
Waric malcular the events in Waric's present [no messages]
Intimate Thoughts Arianna Swift The trials, triumphs and passions of a young adventuress far from home in a land not her own. [no messages]
Crossroads Sian Delphi A neatly bound book lies before you, tied firmly shut with two lengths of white ribbon. The pages are fine and translucent, and carry the faint aroma of roses. [no messages]
Ramblings of an Old Rogue jahud [no description] [no messages]
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