Dark Grimoire Players Network

Rate Title Author Description Updated
The Starchaser Chronicles Cobalt Starchaser The chronicles of one mans journey, to explore his past and to learn his destiny. 01 Mar 2005
The Journal of King Deek Deek The journal is made of finest vellum, and gives off a warm scent, while the quality of the work is tangible under the fingers. The cover is of thick, quality dark leather, with he Royal Seal of valorn embossed into it, and the words "Deek Rex Valornis" are faintly visible beneath it. 26 Feb 2005
Grimgors Gutspills Grimgor Ironhide The place where Grimgor spills 'is Guts, sometimes literary.. 26 Feb 2005
Mosha's journal Mosha Lenada Mosha Lenada's journal 07 Feb 2005
The Strangeness of Hazen Hazen The Crazy One writes her experiences 31 Jan 2005
a dai in lyf of jimmy k. jimmykitten jimmy k gets bizy 29 Jan 2005
Just Stuff Razlo's Honor The Title says it all 26 Jan 2005
Captain's Log! Eldrin Ivanshine A large leather bound book with a fancy layout and a blood red ruby on the front. This book appears slightly waterlogged and bent. On the back is a large painted skull with two golden scimitars crossed behind on the back. 19 Jan 2005
The Warrior of the West Magnus Gallant The journal of the swordsman Magnus Gallant. He's seen it all, dueled with Balthazar and Altimos, and narrowly avoided death many times. The journal begins after his return to Valorn from his home country of Palatinus, a small island southwest of Valorn. 19 Jan 2005
Tellings of a Warrior Kiro A leatherbound book, covered in stains of red, obviously blood. Seemingly barely held together, it nearly falls to pieces at the touch. Simple, uninteresting, and often hurried writing covers the pages within... 13 Jan 2005
imriks journal... imrik a leather book with many bloodstains covering it... 03 Jan 2005
Malak's musings Malak This book is bound in bear hide. It is obvious to the reader that the book is hand made and kept by an intellegent yet unwealthy person. The writing is in a man's hand and done in charcoal and pen. Opening the cover one discover's the author is Malak. 30 Dec 2004
Adventures of a Valornian Reliae_Kirleu The small bound book is written in a curving script. 26 Dec 2004
Black hearts journey Black Heart A story of darkness and anger 17 Dec 2004
Sam's Journal Sam Frayde The small book you see laying in front of you is leather-bound and bedraggled. You are hesitant to open it, fearing Sam's reaction if he finds you reading it, but you decide to do so anyways... 14 Dec 2004
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