Dark Grimoire Players Network

Rate Title Author Description Updated
Pointless Ponderings Eivind Drust A simple journal, as it comes; unadorned. 06 Jan 2022
Destiny waits for no man. Raffe This journal is a pristine white hardback book. Its pages are gilded in silver and an elaborately decorative R resides on the front cover. 06 Jan 2022
jot & tittle Boy Svalbard A few pieces of worn parchment, folded and tied with string to form a small bundle. 26 Sep 2020
Extent, Extant Existence Ominod Noxid It would seem at first glance that several pieces of dirty parchment have been bound together in a tattered hard leather cover. The colour of which was likely ochre, at one time. This volume, a collection of bound sheets, seems to be quite worn and weathered. 12 Mar 2020
Life of a Roguess Emmy Eralass Black book bound together by leather straps. Dried mud cakes the covering and backing. 26 Jan 2020
Taven's tales Taven Deagan red and blue leather bound with silver paint representing stars, sturdily bound showing great age
08 Nov 2019
A Rogue’s insight by Red Brokensmiles A red and black leather bound book, with a silver clasp. On the cover is a Phoenix rising up from a pile of ashes and when viewed in shadows, almost appears to move and dance. Inside is a collection of Reds past, adventures, and stories from another land, as well as insights to him. 02 Aug 2019
Reveries Viviyana Half the size of a regular tome, this small journal seems as full of scraps of paper and notes as it does pages. It is covered in an old fox pelt. The writing within it is flowing and well practiced. There are doodles in the margins of each entry. 29 Jul 2019
The Dundee Watch Urda Gingifer This small tome is bound in reddish-brown leather. 22 Apr 2019
Shadow's Notes Shadow Darkmoon A small black book sticking out of Shadow Darkmoon's Pack. 25 Feb 2018
Beyond Reach Zalphar Faynne A tattered brown journal with a piece of lace tied around to keep it together. 18 Nov 2017
Pieces of Parchments Akassa A red soften leather book tied shut with a piece of spider silk. The golden edged pages peek out from the cover. One the cover is fancy gold lettering reads A Piece of Me. Below that is a golden ring with streaks of white around it. 27 Sep 2017
A private chronicle Brielle Erawind A simple leather bound pocket book tied closed with a long woven strip of spidersilk. 18 Jul 2017
Lemonade, Ale, and Songs Aryana Moonsong A simple red book, held together by a few strings. 05 Jul 2017
Making Traxx Traxx A small leatherbound book with an intricate mirandine flower stitched onto the cover. 20 Apr 2017
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