Dark Grimoire Players Network

Rate Title Author Description Updated
Pyrelight Kairiel Bosburn A pale-covered journal, with soot-smudged edges and pages. 23 Jul 2023
Billy's Bones William Doherty Bound in reddish-brown leather, this journal is one of the run of the mill sort that can be easily purchased anywhere. It's body has become buckled; it's edges curled over, as if it is often stuffed into a trouser pocket. 23 Jul 2023
Blue Eyes Cenny A journal of dogeared pages, with a pair of flowers - one blue, one violet - pressed between the cover and the first page. 22 Jul 2023
After a Dream of Falling Synvasti Shymere The sooty gray leather of this book is bound with scrolling silverwork that forms a knotted sigil upon the cover. The pages smell faintly of grass and lemons, and possess the cool radiance of moonlight. The writing within is scarcely legible and mostly scribbles, and occasionally a word completely drops off the pages. 21 Jul 2023
Aria's Letters Aria A stack of letters, unsent. 19 Jul 2023
Muses and Musings Lathai Lughaidh A blue, leather-bound book with a corresponding ribbon to mark its place. The page edges are gilt, and the cover is embossed with stylized filigree alongside twin Ls. 25 Jun 2023
The Humanoidolgist Bifrost Janger A journal with a glowing gull plume tucked into the spine. 16 May 2023
The Observatory Bebhinn An old journal that's seen better days. Half the pages have been torn out, the remnants a shadow of a previous life. 04 May 2023
The Storm and the Maiden Ellyana Lilli A worn black book aged with time and adorned with emerald leaves on each of the corners. On the cover is a Unicorn sitting under a tree beneath a twilight sky. A small dark-green feather peeks out from between the pages. 28 Mar 2023
Exotic Specimens. Jobe Thaniel Steward A small book bound in green velvet. An overly-flamboyant, purple writing plume is tucked neatly into the spine. 26 Mar 2023
The Rambling Rover JM Hartwell This small tome is bound in burgundy leather. 13 Mar 2023
Joyfires Journals JoyFire A place for joy to releave her thoughts. 28 Jan 2023
Biffy's Big Bad Booky Bifrost This book actually does look very bad at all. It looks brand new and rather nice. 25 Jan 2023
Juicytruth Juicytruth The juiciest truths to ever grace the land of Valorn. 27 Dec 2022
Traveler's Tome Nefere A slender sheaf of ivory paper bound with soft black leather and silver clasps. Elegant calligraphy adorns the pages, inked in a modest array of colors.
06 Nov 2022
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