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The Book of Change
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Changed @ 18:01 - Link - comments
The season begins to turn as winter warms. The celebrations, as usual, exercised the mind and the body, and the closing address of the High Queen raised the spirits. And as the lanterns floated above us before slowly drifting into the distance, many sent wishes and prayers with them to soothe the hearts and souls of friends and comrades. I do not know, naturally, the precise wishes sent soaring aloft into the sky above the Caer, but I know of the type of sentiments sent flying with the lanterns.
Many of the guild were active in the events, most notably Ellyana. And the guild has been gifted by the gods. An ice sculpture of a cat now resides in our gardens. My first sight of the precious gift was a proud moment. Apart from the artistry of the sculpture I also see it for what it is - a recognition of what is possible when the kin work toward a common goal, and a tribute to Ellyana who, as leader, works tirelessly for the good of the guild and the kin.
I do not forget those of the guild who were not able to participate. The very act of joining a guild is in itself a gesture of confidence, an offering of friendship and comradeship. Every person who joins a guild makes their own contribution.
As for myself I was unable to attend many of the festivities. I did have a chance to discover that I should not try to be too creative with cooking! On the other hand I was able to take a few marcs to jot down a tale of sorts, a pastime I always enjoy and find relaxing.
The time is now with us to press on with lighter hearts as the turns lenghthen and the 'rifter rises higher into the sky and sheds its blessed rays across the lands. We do not know what we may face in the future. But we do not that together we can face it without fear.