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The Heart of Shadows
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
I can't help but read through these pages and the anger in it annoys me, the anger towards valorn. where does it come from? Who is really directed at? I have come to realize it is myself. we Imps were once light hearted and free within ourselves. Then Hayate was sent into exile. no I started to change even before that, to...lessen myself, but yes...Hayate was the death of my spark. Becoming Leader also contributed. People do not realise how leadership restrains one, restricts us. Leaders can not be as care free.

So i started to conform, slowly try and become socially acceptable. I have become a peace keeping boring diplomat. how pathetic.

No more. I will not be, my guild will not be what others would have us be. a trudging lemming with no flavour no spark, just the same acceptable theme with a diffrent name. To Hades with them all.

My guild sleeps, waking it maybe hard, waking the old members maybe imposable. But the barbarian is still there and he at least remembers what was what, how we were, how we should be, will be. Maybe together. Ahhh I can not help but smile at the prospect. yes...mayhaps.

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 00:53 »»» - Link - comments (2)