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The Heart of Shadows
Saturday, 13 December 2014
I feel the old restlessness returning, an itch in the soles of my feet, I am sleeping a lot again too. I have made a promise and I will keep it but what is a rogue without a purpose? What is anyone without a purpose? Am I here merely to kill spiders and aggravate people? The latter is amusing yes but I need more! I need something to inspire my imagination, my mind and my soul.

There is no mystery here for me, no challenge, just the monotonous grind of repetition. Same faces, same fake smiles, same attitudes.

I need something to do, something that gives me focus and a sense of accomplishment. Something that makes the endless grind worthwhile.

Mayhaps I should start that book I keep meaning to write. I would help distract me from this restlessness at least…and will help me keep my promise.

I really need to stop making those…they become unbreakable shackles.

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 22:07 »»» - Link - comments