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The Heart of Shadows
Sunday, 12 October 2014
In my life I have only ever loved three women.

The Cleric, The Enchantress and The Pirate Queen.

The Enchantress and I found each other when both our worlds seemed at its darkest. We gave each other hope and meaning when all meaning seemed lost. We loved and we laughed and found joy in each other. We offered each to the other a safe place for the ember of ourselves to stay alight, a haven so that we may breathe, live and to heal. Our love was fierce and wild and bright.

The Pirate Queen and I have always understood each other and blend perfectly. We are a volatile concoction of equal parts passion, ire and mayhem. I would say we have perfect love and perfect trust, but there is no such thing as perfection and she would rob me blind just for the fun of it…as I would her. We burn, we plot, and we dance.

Yet through it all…you are there, always.

I see you in the world.
I see you in my mind
You dance across my soul
A ghost that never dies

Like a wave of endless night
You break upon my thoughts
Crashing upon the shore
Sand of shattered memories
Grit of broken pearls.

Oh Cleric, a day doesn’t go past when I don’t think of you, yearn for you, mourn for you
Gods I loved you, I love you, I will always love you.
Why do you haunt me so?
Why can’t I let you go?

You dance across the floor of time
Your steps following after mine
Echoing forever through my mind.

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 02:06 »»» - Link - comments