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The Heart of Shadows
Tuesday, 09 September 2014
To move in the darkness, silent, unseen: to bring death with naught but a flash of blade and gleam of eye, to let loose the rage, unbound, unfettered, unforgiving, to dance heartbeat against heartbeat, body against body until there is but one then none, just notes lost in the rhythm and beat of the dance.

Yet all things must come to an end eventually and the world will intrude once more.

Here in the darkness where no eyes are watching I can be me, there is no need for masks, nor facades I do not need to keep the world beyond arms reach, to don armour unbreakable, to clothe myself in anger and rage, though neither is ever very far away anyway. Why the need for such things. If they cannot see me, know me or touch me, they cannot hurt nor betray me.

Not all are kept at bay, no person can ever really be a mountain and those that get in I want to keep in, to protect and to keep safe. I would blight the eyes of the world so it cannot see then, burn it so it cannot touch them, to strike it before it can strike them.

I cannot do so and let them be all that they can and deserve to be. It is not my place to shield them, to be a barrier between them and the world. I must trust them as they trust me, stand beside and not in front. I must let them be free! I have no right to hide them away like some coveted gem. I wish to protect them yes….but they are not some lifeless but pretty gem. They must breath, live. They need to run unfettered and free.

My heart breaks, the dance calls..

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 08:45 »»» - Link - comments