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Stories of a Cleric | Korba the Faithful
Stories of a Cleric
A small bound book scuffed and stained from many adventures.
Monday, 10 August 2009
The Merchant

It’s not often I venture into the Dundee Inn now but from resting nearby it seemed a good opportunity to put my head through the door. It was an unusual size crowd and the reason was soon apparent. In the centre surrounded by the crowd was the travelling merchant I have been hearing about. It seems he was trading items of rarity for other items of rarity. The excitement of the blessed ring he was carrying caused an energy that has been sadly lacking for some time.

I spoke to him briefly but his offer of a violet crystal wasn’t sufficient for what I was offering, it does seem he has access to craftsmen inaccessible to us so I may have another look through my bank ready for when we next meet.
Korba posted @ 02:48 - Link - comments
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