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Stories of a Cleric | Korba the Faithful
Stories of a Cleric
A small bound book scuffed and stained from many adventures.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Good Advice

"Perhaps try with a dagger without any poison first"

Excellent advice from a master Rogue. We were in the Dundee Inn as usual although I have been avoiding the place of late. Skyls was also there and for a time thoughts of finding that elusive violet crystal left me. It wasn't until the next day I went to seek out Pete in Caernivale but despite my new profession he doesn't seem any more trustworthy.

It was then the shortcut through the wall up the ladder that must be doing my waistline the world of good and into the Dead Zone. Still a horrible place but now the suffering weighs less heavy on my mind. Here in the safer area I can practice my new skills and learn to hack, stab, slice and swish rather than knocking the horrors in the face as hard as I can with my shield.
Korba posted @ 16:08 - Link - comments
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