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Stories of a Cleric | Korba the Faithful
Stories of a Cleric
A small bound book scuffed and stained from many adventures.
Monday, 03 November 2008
First Steps

The cleric arranged the last of the piles of papers in the library and returned them to there proper place. The parchments for the Hunters Guide where as up to date as possible, the more stylised maps the cleric had been drawing with Purazons help the cleric tucked carefully in his pack.

With a last look around one of his most favorite places in Valorn the cleric walked next door to the room of the Gods. A few marcs later he went to the guild quarters, removed his blue waistcoat and changed into a new set of clerical robes. Walking through the grand hall and the smaller entrance hall and outside, handing his key over the cleric signed the form and began to walk to the HoL.

Sitting in the library the cleric pondered things that needed doing, the drawing project with Purazon, the HoL with Urkki and Doyle and after three Fall Festivals the first outside of RoK was approaching.
Korba posted @ 10:11 - Link - comments
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