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An ornate and gold-edged book, of which inside are secrets even she doesn't know or understand. But tucked all through it are leaflets of paper, as if she'd rather not write in the book its self. Except on the first empty page of the book is written in exquisite, flowing penmanship her full name. ~ Lavender Cecelia Morgan.
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Monday, 19 March 2018
Today is a day I feel my smile is a fracade, I smile, I laugh, but feel no joy in the motion. I feel empty...perhaps I've been zombiefied to many times and have had more taken from me then just my body... even if it is reformed. Perhaps I am tired...or perhaps, seeing smiling couples makes me bitter, I do so envy them. That for me is worse then anything demon, god, or being has done to me. Such a simple, innocent, sweet thing, makes me so very sad, reminds me how alone I am.
Lavender posted @ 21:53 - Link - comments