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An ornate and gold-edged book, of which inside are secrets even she doesn't know or understand. But tucked all through it are leaflets of paper, as if she'd rather not write in the book its self. Except on the first empty page of the book is written in exquisite, flowing penmanship her full name. ~ Lavender Cecelia Morgan.
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Sunday, 17 September 2017
Who am I? What is my purpose? I use to think I was some grand enchantress, and I was meant to help everyone who asked. Now I find I've become a hermit, rarely being among the public, rarely speaking unless spoken to..much like I once was when I was painfully shy, ah..the days of my youth to be so innocent....Now it's not shyness that keeps me away, but a loneliness that has seeped so deep into my bones, yea... probably even my very soul. I find I can be in a crowded room and still feel completely alone in this world. I still find smiling comes easy, WHEN I find something to smile about.
Lavender posted @ 13:01 - Link - comments