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A Rogue Thought

A Rogue Thought
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Location: Valorn
Zodiac Sign: Rogue

A plain black book with a bos-hide cover. The pages are crisp and white. This book is clearly well looked after, except for the odd fruitflower tea stain.

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October 2015


Tuesday, 20 October 2015
This may take a good deal of time . . .
I do not know how to describe my first handful of turns as an adventurer. This is my first full journal entry and I have far too much to tell, so I shall take it slow, and fill in as many pages as required.

The beginning . . . The genesis of my trip. The moment I stepped forwards into the life as an adventurer. I started as everyone before me had, and far fewer wits about me than I possess now. Dundee was the name of the small little village I had begun in, with a marvelous tavern with deceitful Ale (I shall elaborate in a moment) and the most marvelous tea, of which I am sipping a cup right now in one of my favourite spots.
But in Dundee I made a few rather wonderful acquaintances. These far more experienced adventurers surprised and amazed me with their generosity and kindness. In order of appearance (Which may be slightly incorrect as these were the turns before I gave up Ale)
Iron Protector Viviyana, a Rogue and member of the Remnants of Kimald, who has a surprising knack for appearing out of thin air! Tis most startling, but always heralds an indispensable teacher and an amazing friend. Viv, as she prefers to be called, graciously agreed to be my tutor and sponsor as I learnt the ways of the shadows . . . And of bonfire toffees, Iron Kupcakes and Mint Candies. Sadly I am sworn to secrecy about my training activities, and I fear prying eyes shall find this book at some point. Although, I have not been forbade from revealing that Viv has a problem, not with dicing . . . Just with dicing against Zan.
Lady Aryana Moonsong, another Rogue, although this time, a member of the Clan of Shrouded Bunnies. Ary is as fast as a rabbit for certain, nigh impossible to keep up with without some assistance or advanced tracking. Always willing to answer questions, Aryana is far more than she seems as I found out over a tavern conversation with her sister, Alanna (Adopted, trust me when I Ary has a large adopted family). She has a fondness for ale, as all Shrouded Bunnies do, and hammocks.
Selwyn, a practical Cleric who has saved my skin when my idea for combat training went horribly wrong and another friend who does not mind being quizzed once in a while. Selwyn almost convinced me to become a cleric with his answer to my questions.
Lavender Morgan, an Enchanter with a penchant for wise, compelling thoughts. I do not see her around as often as I do others, but her missives make for pleasant reading and good food for thought.
Buffe is one with whom I only made acquaintance semi-recently. Which is unfortunate given the amount of cheer and good will she possesses, not to mention her beautiful crimson hair. Buffe is a warrior of Valorn, and a dedicated and noble one she is indeed. She has been wonderful company to have during my adventures, ever present when she can be, in person or by missive, either way she adds a few more smiles and laughs to everything.
High Lord Dimitri Petrov, tis a rather new title, but it applies. A bearded, square jawed Rogue(Yes, I did seem to find all the roguish lads and lasses) from Killican. Dimitri can put away more ale than a normal Valornian can drink water. I once made the mistake of challenging my wallet against his drinking prowess, but thankfully found the excuse of needing sleep while I still had two coppers to rub together. Dimitri has been a great help to those around him and I hear the celebration he threw a few turns before my arrival was a rousing success . . . And also uncovered a rather unusual pair of Zanaan's pants.

Now, seeing as the main cast of my adventures has been described, I should begin with the actual events of my turns as an adventurer.

I believe . . . the first notable event of my travels was the ale incident. . .
Twas a marvelous, sunny morn. I sat in Jeffrey's bar, sipping one of his rather large ales and munching quite happily on a Dundee burger. I had spent the day training, and spent what time I had before John, the trainer, would accept me for advancement relaxing in the Inn. As soon as I felt the time was right (After at least two ales), I visited John, who assisted me in advancing. With my new advancement I felt my strength renewed and so I set out to seek a challenge. In the beach caves which lead to the Sea Dweller Death Lord I strode proudly. No sooner had I begun fighting, I was overwhelmed and in dire need of my health potions. I sat down in a moment of respite to think, such combatants should have been well within my skills. And it was as I scratched my head that I realized I had somehow been decieved, some great power had befuddled my reason . . . for I held in my hand, not my sword, nor my shield, but a mug of ale . . . now with a little more sea dweller upon it than before. Freshly armed with my sword and shield I fought my way free of the vile sea-dwellers, and vowed never to drink Ale again.

Tis not a particularly flattering story, and not a particularly well-told one either, but it was an event.

I recall fondly though, the time when I came across my first dice game. Viv had pit her odds against Zanaan, and lost. As seems to be the trend when friends dice against Zan. But poor Viv was stuck wearing a sweaty training outfit for a full turn! I spent a bit of the turn exploring the different guilds with her after turning the Shrouded Bunny cleansing pools a nasty shade of brown with the dirty training outfit . . . If you read that, kindly forget it. The second time I found Viv after a dice game with Zanaan, she had been forced to make all her choices using the flip of a coin. Suffice to say, she really did not wish to play dice after that.

Finally, I think I shall end of today's notes with one of the most touchingly beautiful, and embarrassing events.
I had dozed off in Jeffrey's with a glass of fruitflower tea in my hand still. Some voices and commotion caused my to rouse, slowly at first. Until I heard the words, "I love you more than anything in this world." Or something along those lines, which promptly sent me sprawling across the tavern floor . . . Along with Katryna who promptly fainted into the speaker's arms. Arron Tolliver had been the one speaking, although I had missed a lot of what he had actually said in my slumber, he had asked Katryna to be his bondmate! A beautiful and touching moment, if one ignored my own clumsiness. . . I cannot quite describe how embarrassed, nor how apologetic I felt. Thankfully the couple was quite forgiving . . .
Although I don't think they noticed the sparkling wine I slipped into a pocket of theirs (I forget which) as an apology . . . Exactly as planned!

But for now I shall have to leave it at that and hope I am not drowned in more great tales to share.
Lycidius Harrowblade

Monday, 19 October 2015
My name is Lycidius Harrowblade,
This journal contains the rare moments when I find time to commit my thoughts and deeds to parchment, along with a documentation of the beautiful things I have found in this world. I will try to write as often as possible, but I cannot guarantee I shan't be caught up in some long and convoluted adventure (Likely dragged along by one of the wonderful friends I have met along my travels.)
Adventures are soon to follow my hide-bound friend.




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