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Rise of the Phoenix

Rise of the Phoenix
ABout Me

Age: 18
Location: Dundee
Zodiac Sign: Rogue

This book is large, bound in black leather, with gold lettering. On the cover is an image of a Phoenix rising from a burning village.

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last days
August 2014


Wednesday, 06 August 2014
[SIZE=12][FONT=Vladimir Script]Here is the first song I wrote, with an edited ending:

Little soldier boy, marching off to war,
Little soldier boy, proudly with your sword,
Little soldier boy, into the fray,
Little soldier boy, march back home to me.

Little soldier boy, fighting for your life,
Little soldier boy, with all your might,
Little soldier boy, fight on for me,
Little soldier boy, to march home to me.

Little soldier boy, lying on the ground,
Little soldier boy, slowly bleeding out,
Little soldier boy, see the angels come,
Little soldier boy, to bare you home.
Little soldier boy, never to march home,
Little soldier boy, you have fought well.
Little soldier boy, you have made me proud.
Little soldier boy, now I lay you down.
Little soldier boy, you are home now.

Little soldier boy, hear the trumpets sound,
Little soldier boy, you’re a hero now.
Little soldier boy, you are a light,
Little soldier boy, shining in the dark.
Little soldier boy, your name will live on,
Little soldier boy, and as I write this song,
Little soldier boy, all I can do is pray,
Little soldier boy, that you’re in a better place,
Little soldier boy, free of fear and pain.



Any historical tomes.

Last Movie

Listening to


Alan eloune, en-tara entar elena.
Ever onward, for death or glory.


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