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The Jagged Tooth
The Jagged Tooth
Jagged-edged parchment lays compressed between two pieces of shark hide, bound together by a cord of the same grey hide.
.: About Me :.
Age: 29
Location: The Fireside Kitchen
Profession: Rogue
.: Likes :.
Cooking, Carving, Cleanliness.
.: Dislikes :.
.: Sponsored :.
Cenny Konxovar - Rogue
Threnody Nyx - Rogue
Achelle Olytro - Cleric
Emilia Rose - Rogue

.: Quote :.
"yer not BAD Nih. ya just have ah different perspective on thengs, en not all folks respect er understand thet." - The Accomplished One.
.: Latest Posts :.
last days
March 2015

.: Current :.

Training Location:
Random places as my body allows it.

.: Victims :.


Sunday, 22 March 2015

Is it always worth it to seek out that lost friend? Perhaps.

Of course, when they are a preposterously uncivilized plebeian and a vapid irredeemably boring odious leach-covered glob of quivering slime, the answer is a resounding no.

Metaphorically speaking, that is.

I offered my services of teaching to someone recently, we shall see if the Rogue-To-Be is worthy.
Nih Betodaru posted @ 14:18 - Link - comments