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Paths of Tranquility

Paths of Tranquility
ABout Me

Age: Kenji Muramota, 29
Location: Where Iam needed
Zodiac Sign: Warrior

A deep red Tome that seems rather sturdy the books material is steel stripped mahogany written on the bottom in gold damask is. "Follow your heart." A small cherry-black braid of hair is used as a bookmark. The writing inside is made with a neat, skilled, educated caligraphy.

Likes & Dislikes

Battle Tactics
Offensive Enchantment
Modding a Awesome Weapon.
Unthankful and rude people
Dying in a Raid


last days
March 2015


Tuesday, 31 March 2015
*this page is rather damp the elegant writing is watermarked but legible reeking of the faint scent of bllod and healing potion residue*

This rain feels good.. Skin soaking cold as ice.. A washing cleansing rain.. Let it wash away the past, my old life let it begin anew. Iam no longer the man I was.. Only one knows and truely understands me now, but thats just fine. Im focused now on getting another elusive Violet.. Feeling the claws and talons of the hoards that ravage the lands pierce through my tunic even more ripping and gouging my flesh. I shouldnt complain though it now looks as if I ran through a gauntlet of sadistic men handling cruel edged riding crops. Hopefully my maiden of shadow can heal me up right next time I see her. Iam renewed.. Born again. Iam Death incarnate.. Pestilence.. And the winds of plague follow me in my wake ravaging in my path of destruction. Fear me Darkness. Fear me Daemons.. Iam coming...for you..



Not Available Anymore. *Trollfaces*

Last Movie
Doomsayer and Rebellion

Listening to
Jehanna Forte
Brisingr "Bris" Blaze
Ellyana Lilli
Iron Knight Azure Greenhills The Fable-Teller
Topaz The Poet
Bearded Wyf Broadskull
Elspeth Inell


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” - Hellen Keller


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