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Paths of Tranquility

Paths of Tranquility
ABout Me

Age: Kenji Muramota, 29
Location: Where Iam needed
Zodiac Sign: Warrior

A deep red Tome that seems rather sturdy the books material is steel stripped mahogany written on the bottom in gold damask is. "Follow your heart." A small cherry-black braid of hair is used as a bookmark. The writing inside is made with a neat, skilled, educated caligraphy.

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Battle Tactics
Offensive Enchantment
Modding a Awesome Weapon.
Unthankful and rude people
Dying in a Raid


last days
June 2014


Monday, 02 June 2014
It has.. Been far too long since I have written in my journal. So much has happened however. Only one thought is upon my mind tonight sitting in the flower field where it all began. And that is my bondmate. I will take you back to where it all began Jehanna. *his writing now takes on a more elegant flowing form* I remember it like it was yesterday. It twas a long grueling night for me hunting I was thinking to myself 'I need to sleep, I lost too much blood as it is.' I had started to make the long trek home when a messenger bird I did not recognize or seen before dropped a scroll in my hands. I looked at it rather dumbfounded because, everyone I knew was asleep, it was you asking me about what I did to keep from being bored. I smiled a bit because it seemed a bit random so I invited you to wine in a area I love to go. Where Im at now in fact. So I got the wine and went to the spot waiting for what seemed like a turn of seasons then I saw you..
I thought I was going delirious from the blood lost because I thought the Gods had sent a Angel of Sunrifter to bring me to my final rest nevermore to walk the lands. The gossamer strands of your hair, looking like the night, kissed by Sunrifters warm glow. Your eyes a hint of the mischievious intent I llove so much, looked like a storm threatening to sweep me up in the tempest of you. Yes, I can honestly say that I fell for you that night. A heart that was frozen in ice never to be thawed felt a glimmering pulse of life beating like a spark of pure joy was ignited. We sat under the stars drinking wine talking of inconsequential things, the ballad of the night was playing to its captive audiance, you and me, and the orchestra was the night itself and all that stirs within. I loved your company that night Jehanna dear. I wished it wouldnt end, however all good things must end eventually. However our first night let to more, then our union before The Gods and all. Iam glad to have found you my dear woman. I will love you eternally, beyond our mortal years into the fabric of time itself.



Not Available Anymore. *Trollfaces*

Last Movie
Doomsayer and Rebellion

Listening to
Jehanna Forte
Brisingr "Bris" Blaze
Ellyana Lilli
Iron Knight Azure Greenhills The Fable-Teller
Topaz The Poet
Bearded Wyf Broadskull
Elspeth Inell


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” - Hellen Keller


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